Browsing Archive: January, 2009

frosty mornings.. silly horses .. keep you going.

Posted by Cate Mcallister on Tuesday, January 27, 2009,
Well it is days like this that make it all worth while. It was a very cold morning again. We have enough snow coverage to allow the beasties out onto the big fields. Well the Newbies all discovered it today. Cold and frosty canters and bucks. Too funny to watch David, Pat, Angus and Willie play and watch and run.
 Socks and Chester eventually gave in and joined them too.
I was covered in frozen sweat from doing first chores, needed to go into the bathroo, but was trying to get as much done as I...
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our first blog site

Posted by Cate Mcallister on Monday, January 19, 2009,
Well, it is finally not so cold the ponies are all rolling and playing in the fresh white snow. I am getting my lesson plan in myhead for the ladies group tonight, Fun bunch , working on pelvic release and shoulder freedom.  I am considering a Links page to other web sites.. thoughts..
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About Me

Cathy Colwell AKA Cathy Colwell McAllister , sometimes Cate McAllister or Mrs. McAllister Professional coach,teacher and horse whisperer for over 23 years now. I have an interest in Helping others find the joy in riding.. for pleasure , for themselves.. for the horses...

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